Saturday, July 20, 2013

Watching the scale


Amelia on the scale getting weighed

It is Strange how a number can mean so much...but it does. Every evening we can't wait to weigh Amelia to see how much she weighs that day. It gives us an indicator in how she is doing overall. Is she getting bigger and stronger? Is she closer to coming home to us? Each day she has been gaining weight and we are thankful for that. This week is the first week she began outgrowing some of her preemie clothes! She weighed 5 lbs 6 oz last night! 

This weekend my parents & grandmother got to come up to visit. It was really special because they were able to hold Amelia for the first time! After my water broke,  many of you know that our families came up to support us. Well my mom stayed after I came home from the hospital to help us as we adjusted. She was here almost 3 weeks. During that time because Amelia was so little the doctors were only allowing us to hold her once a day so Ryan & I were taking turns. Mom only got to look at her in the isolete and touch her little hand. I know that it must have been incredibly hard for her. During that time there was a big 9 lb baby next to Amelia that was in the NICU because of complications of being too big during delivery. He was in an open crib so his grandmother was able to hold him anytime. I know that Mom would see them and it would make her sad. So it is no surprise that when I called her and told her Amelia was in an open crib she responded, "does that mean we can hold her?". The next response was, "we are coming this weekend".  It was such a small thing to get to see our family hold her, but it melted our hearts.
Nonny holding Amelia for the first time.
Mamaw Betty (AKA Grand-Mom)
4 Generations of women
Amelia apparently loved their visit as well because she had a very good week. She has been off of the oxygen for over a week now and doing great. She has been bottle feeding well enough that they were able to take her feeding tube out of her nose.   They are even allowing her to breast feed a few times a day now.

Thursday was Ryan's birthday and he received an answered prayer that day.  Amelia had her repeat eye exam and it showed NO retinopathy!  So thankful for God's miracles everyday in this sweet baby.  Below are some pictures from Daddy's birthday snuggle time:

This week the doctor said we should make sure the nursery is done because it won't be much longer! We are so excited! Here are some pictures of her nursery.

Her homemade gifts

Today, Amelia got to do her car seat test.  This is where they check to see if she fits in her car seat and if she is able to maintain good oxygen levels in her seat. She passed!

It will not be long....soon we will get to have our sweet baby girl home with us!

Thank you for your prayers regarding Amelia's eyes, breathing, and feeding.  She will have another follow up eye exam in 3 weeks.  Please continue to pray for Amelia as we prepare and get closer to bringing her home.  Pray for Ryan and I as we prepare to bring her home, we are blessed beyond measure. 


  1. Oh my! So exciting. I miss seeing and holding her. Love that last picture. Thank God for answered prayers.

  2. I love her smiling face! Praise God for so many answered prayers! I love her nursery, it's funny seeing the bears in her crib. Claira had one pink one she didn't touch for years. Now she carries that thing all over the place at 9 years old! She's still hanging on to being a baby! You have many precious days ahead of you in your loving home! Congratulations!
